Keeping patrons safe is the top priority for pool management services. Though much of this responsibility falls to lifeguards, adults who are observant and know when to raise the alarm can heighten overall safety at the pool.
Lifeguards are extensively trained to look for any signs of trouble. However, adults who aren’t aware of best practices may not recognize risky situations until it’s too late. Because of this, it may be wise for pools to host a number of water safety programs.
Educate the public
There are many benefits to teaching the local community about safety in and around the pool. Not only will adults ensure that their kids are playing safely, but they can also spot potentially dangerous situations before they get out of hand. This is especially important for families that go swimming in natural bodies of water, which may not be staffed by a lifeguard.
If you’re unsure of where to begin with this new program, here are three ideas to consider.
1. Find the right instructor: Depending on how official you’d like it to be, figure out who will teach the classes. Should it be one of your more seasoned lifeguards or should it be a member of pool management who has had experience working poolside? Would it be more beneficial to hire someone and simply host the event at your pool?
2. Figure out the lesson plan: Consider what points you should cover in your water safety courses. This will dictate how long the session will last. If there are many lessons to teach, it could take several weeks. However, bear in mind that these won’t be full-blown lifeguard certification courses, so don’t commit to too much work. It should focus on basic water safety and best practices.
3. Invite people of all ages: The best setup may be to invite adults and children. This way, everyone who visits your pool will know what risky behaviors to avoid. It’s likely that children will share their newfound knowledge with their friends, so inviting younger people can be beneficial. For these classes, it may be better to staff two or more instructors to meet the needs of such a large and diverse group.
Additionally, if the classes are a success, you can hold them in the off-season as well.