Staffing a lifeguard during operating hours is an essential safety measure at any aquatic facility. Pool management is responsible for finding and hiring these important individuals, which can sometimes be a challenge.
Though many young adults will be looking for summer jobs, there are many other businesses that are looking for seasonal hires. Whereas preparatory work for another industry can take a week or two, becoming a lifeguard requires training and certification. So how do you make these positions appealing to people and where do you look for potential hires?
Start on the right foot
Though you recognize that lifeguarding is a unique opportunity for young adults to learn new skills and potentially start a career in the aquatics industry, your target audience may not. Additionally, you may be concerned about finding enough individuals who can work during operating hours. Chances are, your pool will be open for eight or more hours, at least five days a week, so having a large enough roster is essential.
Here are two tips for hiring lifeguards.
1. Work with a professional pool company: You probably have enough on your plate without having to advertise open positions, read resumes, conduct interviews and ensure certification or lead training. Outsourcing the work to a professional pool company would allow you to focus on these tasks. You can rest assured knowing that your lifeguard staffing will be managed by experts.
2. Advertise early: The earlier you advertise the open positions, the higher the likelihood that you’ll find and staff the right people by the time the facility opens for the season. If you have to take on the task alone, delegate your other responsibilities, because finding enough lifeguards is one of the most critical steps in getting ready for peak season.
With these two tips in mind, you’ll have no trouble ensuring that swimmers stay safe when they visit your pool this summer.