Pool Compliance

Ensure your facility is compliant with local and national regulations.

A pool that is not in compliance with the many regulations involved in the operation or maintenance standpoint exposes users to unnecessary hazards and exposes owners to high levels of liability. American Pool’s management and renovation teams are knowledgeable and up to date on the latest national and local regulations including VGBA and ADA. This means that we are able to help you, as a commercial pool owner, to meet existing and emerging facility requirements. Compliance and liability reduction are compelling reasons to consider outsourcing your pool operation with American Pool.

Our friendly staff makes sure that our clients are provided with clear solutions to comply with any changes to regulations. As a pool owner, manager or board member, you can find comfort in knowing that American Pool is always working for you to ensure that your pool environment is in compliance and safe for all to enjoy.

Schedule a free safety consultation with one of our trained professionals to help ensure your pool meets all safety regulations for your area.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that oversees workplaces, assuring that employees remain safe and healthy. It establishes health and safety standards, including those that limit chemical exposure, safety procedures and equipment, while ensuring employees have access to necessary information.

OSHA is responsible for enforcing whistleblower regulations. Worksites, including community and public pools, receive OSHA updates on new and edited regulations. In addition, OSHA inspectors may visit these locations to check for violations and assess fines, if necessary. It’s important to remember that these regulations are designed to keep employees safe, preventing injury and loss of life.

OSHA regulations cover private-sector workers, as well as government (federal, state and local) employees. The self-employed are not covered by these laws but should abide for their own welfare. Under OSHA rules, the company must: 1. Inform employees about the hazards of all kinds, with training, labels, chemical information sheets, signs, and more. 2. Keep accurate records of work-related injuries and illnesses. 3. Post OSHA citations, injury and illness data as well as the OSHA poster. 4. Notify OSHA within 8 hours if there is an incident resulting in death or three or more workers go to a hospital.

In a pool or spa, OSHA regulations also focus on the handling of dangerous chemicals. In particular, regulations dictate that the manufacturer labels must remain on chemical containers and cannot be defaced. In addition, all safety data sheets that come with the chemicals are kept and readily available (If safety data sheets are not included, the employer must contact the company to obtain them). Finally, employees must be properly trained to handle these chemicals and be provided with protective gear that is in good working order. Other regulations address employee exposure to bloodborne pathogens.

Employees must be told of their rights under OSHA law. If an employee reports a workplace for breaking OSHA rules, the employer is forbidden to retaliate. Violations of OSHA regulations can result in fines or even imprisonment if the violations resulted in death or serious injury.

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and OSHA require that commercial swimming pools must have emergency eyewash stations that meet specific criteria. Not having an eyewash station available to those working in and around the pool is one of the top OSHA citations. Injuries can arise when the corrosive pool chemicals come into contact with an employee’s eyes, and having a designated location to flush out the substances will protect employees from more severe injuries.

Get in touch with one of our service professionals for more information about eyewash compliance and to find the best solution for your facility.

The Americans with Disabilities Act requires public pools in the United States to be accessible for those with certain disabilities. Newly constructed or renovated swimming pools, wading pools, and spas are required to have a specific number of accessible entrances and exits depending on their size. Many pools ensure compliance by installing pool lifts and/or zero depth entries.

ADA compliance is an important aspect of our approach to the renovation of existing pools. American Pool can help pool owners find the right solution to ADA compliance for new and existing facilities.

The Virginia Graeme Baker Safety Act requires anti-entrapment devices to be installed and maintained in commercial pools and spas. VGBA protects swimmers from becoming trapped by the strong suction of pool drains.

The Virginia Graeme Baker Safety Act is named after the granddaughter of former Secretary of State, James Baker. Sadly, Graeme died of complications as a result of a suction entrapment incident in a swimming pool.

Each year, dozens of children and adults are injured or killed in similar accidents. Therefore Graeme’s mother, Nancy Baker, lobbied for a new law requiring anti-entrapment devices and other safety measures. After much work, the Virginia Graeme Baker Safety Act was enacted in 2007.

The law requires anti-entrapment devices and other safety measures to improve swimmer safety. Anti-entrapment devices include the following:

  • Safety vacuum release systems (SVRS)
  • Suction limiting vent systems
  • Gravity drainage systems
  • Automatic pump shut‑off systems
  • Drain disablement
  • VGBA compliant drain covers

To comply with the law, any of the above systems must meet specific requirements. All public pools that were built on or after January 1, 2010, must have at least two main drains per pump. These drains must meet the requirements of the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Existing pools with only one main drain must have an additional entrapment prevention device system from the list above. Pools built before 2010 should bring their drain systems up to current standards on renovation whenever it is feasible.

Automated external defibrillators are required at pools in some parts of the country and can be instrumental in saving lives when emergencies occur. Our certified lifeguards are trained to use AED’s and our offices can provide your facility with purchase or leasing options for AED equipment. Beyond the equipment, registration, maintenance and training, are all considerations in assuring a complete AED program for your facility.