Pool maintenance services often have several different ways that management can cut down on the time spent fiddling with equipment that may be difficult to use or expensive to operate if not configured correctly. For certain pieces of every pool’s plumbing infrastructure, proper and regular service is more than a good habit – it’s the only way to keep your patrons safe from health hazards.
However, pool management has enough to worry about without training every member of staff to become an expert in pool filtration technology. Sometimes, these jobs are best left to the technicians well-versed in multiple filter brands. It might help to know how to identify when there’s a problem with your filter. If you don’t know how to fix it, it may be time to call in the professionals. Check out these common pool filter problems that every pool manager needs to be aware of.
Your pool water is cloudy
This should be a pretty obvious issue, but the San Francisco Gate newspaper explained that it’s worth knowing just what’s causing this problem in the first place. If you try to save money by switching the filtration system off for a few hours every night, this can create the perfect environment for bacteria to grow in the water.
If enough algae grows, sanitizing and shocking the water will lead to a large amount of debris from the bacteria, which will cause your filtration system to go into overdrive to try and clean up the mess. If you want to save a few dollars on your energy bills every month, keep your filtration system running around the clock. Otherwise, you may end up with a pool full of anything but swimmers.
You backwash your filter too often
Backwashing your filter is a normal part of pool management and should be done regularly, but the frequency with which you remove and clean the various materials within your filter varies based on its effectiveness.
However, as the filter removes more contaminants from the water over its lifespan, the sand, powder and cartridge become more easily clogged. This lowers the overall effectiveness of your pool filter and the sooner you address the problem, the more money you could save.
Your filter pressure is too high
Just like the beating of your heart, your filter relies on pressure to quickly clean water. Because your filter is your primary way of keeping your pool clean, it becomes clogged very easily. If enough insects, plants or even human materials become lodged in the filter, less water will pass through it.
This means that your filtration system has less volume through which to move your pool’s water. Over time, the extra strain on your plumbing may cause irreversible damage. In the short term, though, you’ll almost certainly pay the price for an inefficient filter.
You find filter material in the water
The most popular filters today come in sand and diatomaceous earth configurations, and both are able to clean water efficiently due to special chemical properties. SF Gate explained that they may sometimes slip through the filter and enter the swimming water supply.
A small amount of material is normal, but a steady stream may indicate a leak or break in the plumbing system or an improperly installed filter. These materials can be poisonous, so pool management should pay special attention to any filter media escaping into the water and contact a professional for immediate service.
Filters keep your pool protected from threats before they occur, and pool maintenance services exist to ensure that those systems are always running in tip-top shape. When it comes to patron safety, it pays to have the best technicians working on your filter as frequently as necessary to keep your pool looking clean and your energy bills as low as they can go.