Swimming takes a lot of energy, and you may be missing out on an opportunity to offer pool food service for your guests. Whether you manage a residential site such as apartment and condo pool services or one at a hotel, implementing pool food services can be beneficial for you and your guests.
Look at the staff roster and determine whether you have enough people to introduce such an amenity. If so, consider trying out this feature and gauge its success. Alternatively, if you already sell food, think about these ideas that can help drive interest and profit while encouraging healthy diets.
- Stock plenty of fruits: These items will satisfy sweet tooths and meet nutritional needs. Keeping these in the refrigerator during peak season will ensure that they fill stomachs and help guests cool down. Look for ones that keep well and ask staff members to keep a close eye on the ripeness, disposing of them when necessary.
- Good-for-you juice boxes: Find drinks that’ll appeal to kids and adults, but have little to no additives to encourage healthy diets. Alternatively, if you have in-house food services, you can ask chefs to create such beverages, cutting down on cost and making sure that only good ingredients make their way into the drinks.
- Prepackaged goods: Snacks like these aren’t always unhealthy. Foods such as trail mix or protein bars can provide fuel for swimmers without introducing too much sugar or preservatives. This can be a good jump off point for facilities that are experimenting with this amenity. It can also curb the amount of work that needs to be done by in-house kitchens.
- Baby friendly foods: Pools attract many families with children of all ages. As with other pool features, it’s important to cater to audiences of all ages. Therefore, it may not be a bad idea to have some baby food on-hand. Parents may forget to pack them or run out.
- Cater to specific diets: From vegetarian to gluten-free, it’d be a good idea to have some items that everyone can eat, despite whatever allergies they may have. You don’t have to have full courses – even a few snack options will show your guests that you can provide options for a variety of dietary needs.