Hiring and Retaining the Best Lifeguards

Having the right lifeguards is important for every pool environment. But let’s face it, the hiring process can be stressful! Let the pool management experts at American Pool help! We have the right tools and knowledge to successfully hire the best candidates.  Plus, once we find the right candidates we know how to keep them! [...]

By |2019-03-04T09:00:51-05:00March 4th, 2019|News & Insights, Pool Management & Lifeguards, Uncategorized|

Finding the Best Pool Heater For Your Pool

When it comes to commercial pools there are two major options for heating, a heat pump or gas heater. When selecting either option you’ll want to look at the unit’s size, efficiency, and operating costs. Determining which option is best for your pool may also depend on the location and climate you live in. So [...]

Cleaner, Greener Pools Save Money

As property managers, we’re all looking to save money. Making your pool more energy efficient is a great way to save money long term on pool operating costs, and pool goers will benefit from a healthier pool environment. There are many products available to make your pool more energy efficient. If your planning to make [...]

Improve Water Quality with Enzyme Treatments

Enzymes are one of the most effective methods of destroying organic matter; including oils, fats, detergents, dirt, and pollen. You may find these types of materials in a pool with a high swimmer load. This organic material can build up on a pool’s water surface and form a line along pool walls, commonly referred to [...]

By |2019-01-22T09:00:41-05:00January 22nd, 2019|News & Insights, Pool Maintenance & Service, Uncategorized|

Pool Automation Advantages

Pool automation can take much of the hassle out of operating and maintaining your pool. For many in the commercial pool business automation is no longer an upgrade but a standard feature. There are systems for just about every task you can imagine; from pH adjustments, salt generation, heating, and pumps. You can even update [...]

Managing Risk: A Commercial Pool’s Guide to Liability

There are many aspects to consider when operating a commercial pool, chief among them is safety. With so many other responsibilities to handle it can be easy for pool managers to feel overwhelmed, which can lead to responsibilities being overlooked. If this scenario sounds familiar it may be time to consider hiring a commercial pool [...]

Swimming Pool Trends That Are Here To Stay

These days swimming pools are more than just a place to get wet. Gone are the days of rectangular, concrete, watering holes. Today’s pools are the definition of luxury. Not only do today’s pools exude ambiance and artistry, but they’re also high tech. Here are a few of the best trends in swimming pools that [...]

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